
Cartouche LAPêche Montreuil

Here you will find all the information you need to schedule a Cartouche concert. If you have a problem with any of the items, please contact us. We always find a solution to everything and that avoids having a technical problem the same day.

Contact booking : acontrariorecords@laposte.net

[toggle title=”Some elements to be planned”]

  • a parking place close to the venue
  • secure storage space next to the stage for the equipment.
  • 5 or 6 hot vegetarian meals (no meat or fish) at least one hour before set.
  • A five-foot-long table for the merchandising.
  • Accommodation for 5 to 6 people with secure parking space near the accommodation. Home stays with locals is welcome, as long as it complies with the minimum requirements of cleanliness and it has a bed with clean bedding for 5 to 6 people and a bathroom.
  • 4 or 5 invitations may be required.


fiche technique
Data sheet